The Kris Landers Foundation is proud to offer the Kris Landers Inspirational Legacy Award!
The Kris Landers Foundation offers annual scholarships, named “Inspirational Legacy Awards.” The Foundation typically awards up to four $1000 scholarships per year to deserving seniors. The awards seek students who share the same values of kindness, compassion, and community as Kris did in his life. Seniors from all public High Schools in Oldham County may apply for these awards. Legacy Award winners will be able to use their scholarships towards college, trade schools or other postsecondary training and certification programs. The Foundation’s goal is to make these awards available to students not necessarily based upon their GPA, class rank, or ACT Score; but upon their involvement in the community and their efforts to inspire others through kindness, compassion, and leadership. This award is available to any senior that attends a high school (OCHS, SOHS, NOHS, BAHS) within the Oldham County School District. There will be 4 different $1,000 awards given this year. The application is available on this page below, or you can reach out to Matt Watkins ([email protected] / 222-0131) to request a hardcopy of the application. Applications are due no later than April 1st! |
Kris Landers Inspirational Legacy Award Application